Diana, Mysti, Reachel, Katie, Cathy and Cheri.
Not pictured: Nancy, Karen and Jamie.
As many of you know, I spent about three weeks away from home recently from mid-March through the beginning of April. Don’t worry, it was mostly for fun (with just a little bit of work in there). I started out with the Keystone Conference down in Harrisburg, and from there headed out to visit with my sister in Oregon. I’ve been back a week, and am only just starting to feel aligned with this time zone. Sometimes my vacation self is a little too optimistic with how much I want to tackle when I get home, leading to this extended feeling of jet lag.
One of the things that has really helped me get back in the groove has been visiting and catching up with people! Thursday’s Open House had a great mix of newbies and old friends. I even managed to get a group shot, at least of everyone who wanted to be captured by the camera!
Over the years the Girls’ Day In events I host in my studio have fostered many friendships, and the support and encouragement given to each other through the course of the day warms my heart every time I witness it. Knowing I can create these opportunities for connection is so rewarding to me.