Still seeking balance

In my last post, which was much longer ago than I thought, was about my desire to find a new balance in my post-Covid, post-pandemic experience.  I received many words of encouragement from members of the trans community - old friends, newer clients, and even some people who found me through a Google search or that Slate article, but haven't met me yet.  Thank you for your encouragement, and for confirming that I'm not alone in this challenge to re-balance life.  I'm still not where I want to be, but I'm getting closer and feeling optimistic!

One of my biggest challenges since getting through my case of Covid last May has been a very different sleep cycle.  I've never been a morning person and still wouldn't consider myself one, but I have been waking up earlier than ever even on my days off.  It would be wonderful if I could feel like those extra hours were productive, but my brain still wakes up later than my body does.  The reverse is also true - I've found that even though my brain is ready to keep being productive late at night (historically my most productive time), my eyes and body disagree.  My new best time for focusing on a computer and answering emails is now the same time I'm working my other job.  I'm not in a position to change those work hours at the moment, so thank you for continuing to be patient when it sometimes takes weeks to return emails.  If you need a quick response, send me a text with your name and the date and time you'd like a makeover.  Texts are best when they are brief - it may be hard for me to answer a lot of questions thoroughly via text, but for checking my availability or scheduling a makeover, text may be the most efficient way to get an answer for now.  My current availability for makeup is most Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, with very sporadic availability on other evenings.

Aside from very slow schedule rearranging, I also have some very slow studio rearranging.  Over the pandemic, my wonderful spouse spent time putting some plumbing and walls in our garage to allow for extra recreation space, especially for family visits.  Over the last several months that space has been getting converted to become my new studio space.  I’ll post a few in-progress photos soon. It's slow-going, but I'm hopeful to have Open Houses in this space soon.  I'm looking forward to hosting these casual monthly gatherings like I used to.

In the meantime, mark your calendars for 2023's Spring Soiree (April 8th) and Ghouls' Night Out (October 14th).  These will both be at the American Legion in Sutton, MA, as they have been for several years.  Details can be found by following the links, and for information on other TG events around New England head over to Meetup. My Meetup group and all events posted to it are listed publicly, so you don’t need an account to view the information. If you create an account, though, you can sign up for reminder emails and announcements.